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How You Benefit from Working with a Certified Workers’ Comp Advisor
April 15, 2020

How You Benefit from Working with a Certified Workers’ Comp Advisor



I recently became a Certified WorkComp Advisor through the Institute of Work Comp Professionals. When you connect your Mammoth Lakes or Bishop business with a Certified Work Comp Advisor, you’re stepping into an advanced insurance business consultant process.

Certified WorkComp Advisors have additional training specific to the workers’ compensation industry that enables us to fully understand errors that commonly occur and the processes businesses should implement to avoid losing money. There are only 1,000 insurance professionals who have earned this designation.

Certified WorkComp Advisors can be your business’s advocate operating between you and your insurance carrier. Our goal is to represent your best interests. We’re trained in the unique process of the Institute of WorkComp Professionals to recognize errors and mistakes in your workers’ comp program and recover money to reduce your total workers’ comp expense.

So what does it actually mean? What do we do for you?

We help employers establish a process that reduces cost and improves productivity. We review outstanding claims to make sure you’re not being charged for claims that should be closed. We work closely with you to prevent the causes of injuries and help you establish beneficial medical relationships. We implement an injury management system in your company that begins the moment an injury occurs. Reporting an injury immediately is the best way to make sure your employee gets proper care and gets back to work faster. Less lost time means a lower Experience Modification Factor and lower premiums.

We also help you prepare for the annual workers’ comp audit so you’re ready when the auditor arrives, just as your accountant makes sure you’re ready for an IRS audit.

If you’d like to learn more about working with Insurance Scouts for your workers comp insurance, call us at (760) 934-7548 or fill out this form to get our answers to some common workers comp questions.

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