Rattlesnake Caution
The snakes are out of hibernation, so try to be cautious on your adventures especially near the valley floor. I just came across a rattlesnake in Chipmunk Canyon last week. It was a big one, about 4 feet long. I watched him from a distance for a few minutes, and then went on my way.
Always give a rattler plenty of space, and never agitate it. They can strike lightning quick and without warning, and they don’t always rattle first.
Rattlesnakes don’t always have rattles. I’ve seen them living in rocky areas where they squeeze through cracks between rocks to get around. This can pull their rattles off altogether.
In the event that a bite occurs on an arm or leg, use a tunicate to slow the spread of the venom, and contact emergency response at once.
Happy adventuring this summer!
Tags: Eastern Sierra life